Saturday, February 21, 2009

Something to brighten up the winter - and all this SNOW!

I felt like something bright and cheerful to work on, and to use up leftover worms. so this is what I am working on now: the wording is hard to make out in the photo [I think I need to change some colours here and there], but it will say:
live simply, laugh often, love much
The last border will be totally hit-or-miss and I hope to power through my odds and ends that way. The flying geese are hit or miss, as are the big padulas [fake flowers]. It is on primitive linen, mostly #6 cut wools - as-is, marbleized, casserole dyed... whatever I have on hand.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Natalie, Nancy and Louise make progress!

Nancy has been working on a Grenfell style mat, dyeing many of the nylons to order, and using some as-is. She's the first of our group to finish one of these alternate material mats - and she's done a great job! The Eskimo/Inuit fisher people are a traditional Grenfell subject as well... this pattern comes from Doris Norman. Luminous sky and colourful ice make this mat sing.

Natalie is working on her very first mat - Yo Yo Kitty from Yankee Peddler. Though she's not a cat lover, Natalie has given this woolly feline a sweet expression, and she's loving the yo-yos!

Louise, another of our more recent members, has just finished two mats and is working on an old [elderly?] burlap rug pattern that she inherited. On the left, the Covered Bridge, a Joan Moshimer pattern and her first mat, Erin McKenna's St John House, on the right. Lovely job on both!

This traditional old pattern has the colours painted on the burlap, as was often done in the time before the cheap colour print options we have today. Also, Louise is finding the 'primitive' #8 cut a lot faster than the 3&4 cuts she used on her first two projects!

Lots of activity at the Quoddy Loopers this winter!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More wedding bells for Quoddy Loopers!

I have been remiss in getting this latest sweet wedding rug posted from the Quoddy Loopers group - this time, Carol made the mat for her son, Matt and new daughter-in-law, Des. Their marriage took place in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, July 26th, 2008. ...........................................................................................................